Mmm Hospital Food
My mom made it through surgery just fine. Yay!!! It was a seriously grueling day for me. I'm not the most patient person alive, so I was already going a little nuts at 1pm when the surgery was supposed to have started at 11am. And by the time she got in and out of surgery (successfully, thank goodness), woke up in recovery, spent three hours coming off the anesthesia, and then got moved into a room, it was midnight and I was ready to run screaming out of the hospital. I'm heading off to bed as soon as I finish this bottle of water and bowl of grapes.
I ate really surprisingly well today. I brought a banana, two clementines, and bottled water in my purse. I had lunch and supper at one of my favorite sandwich shops (which happens to be inside the hospital--when I've had to stay at that hospital, I've never been able to complain about the food!) and I still managed to end the day with a few Points left. I'm still shocked I didn't eat more. Usually, that kind of boredom would drive me straight to a vending machine. It was nice to be prepared, and to finish my Weight Watchers week on a good note.
Tomorrow is my weigh-in, and I'm really hoping I lose enough weight to make up for the three pound gain last week. I've been good and I have DEFINITELY moved more, so I'd be really disappointed to gain for the second week in a row.
Again, fingers crossed!
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