Now that I'm officially in the 250-pound-range I'm finally starting to notice awesome, tiny ways that my body is changing.
For example, I rested my chin in my hands today and actually felt my jawbone.
I felt my JAW!
Not the pudgy, doughy, squishy stuff I usually feel when I rest my chin in my hands. Sure, I can still sink my fingers in and squish the fat around, but there's bone under there!
Also, my rings are getting loose! My girlfriend and I exchanged rings in our fifth year together, and my black and white diamond band is falling off of me now...that's a good and a bad thing :) When I get cold, I have to be especially careful not to lose it.
Oh, and less of my legs rub together when I walk! Less, not none. I mean, let's be real--I'm still 258 pounds. Still, less is good! I can feel my knees moving, and even my lower thighs. My upper thighs still rub together, but there for awhile when I was at or over 300 pounds, there were days that I felt like my legs were stuck together from my knees up. When I walked, my legs were so fat that it seemed like only the lower halves of each leg would bend.
AND I can cross my legs again! It's actually somewhat comfortable! Before I started losing weight, I could barely cross one leg onto the other knee. I sometimes had to grab my shoe/ankle/bottom of my pants to pull my leg up. But now, not only can I cross one ankle onto the other knee--I can cross my whole leg over and dangle my top leg down! My thighs have been way too big to do that for a long, long time!
My shoulders feel sharper. My cheekbones look more defined. The thin bones in the tops of my hands show when my fingers move. My dog can jump in my lap and he has room to turn around before flopping down. I can look down at my heart surgery scar without my double chin getting in the way. My underwear doesn't start cutting into my skin by the end of the day. When I cross my arms, my arms tuck under my boobs instead of resting on my stomach out in front. My coats are getting looser. I can scoot my chair in farther at my desk. I can see muscles in my neck move when I swallow. Nurses can find my veins when drawing blood. The tops of my feet don't start bulging over my flats when I wear them all day. There's a gap big enough to reach my hand into when I put on my boots. I can feel the entire length of my clavicle when I run my fingers across. The arms of my glasses don't indent the fat on the sides of my face. When I wipe myself, I don't have to reach far down around my stomach. I can slide between two people to get through a hallway, instead of waiting politely until someone moves. My new maxi dress falls as it should, instead of draping over my stomach in the front. My bras fit better. The backs of my arms are smoother. I can tilt my head all the way back without feeling rolls of fat on my neck and shoulders and the base of my skull. I can lie on my side without my stomach spilling out across the mattress. When I put my hands on my hips, my sides feel almost smooth.
It's kind of sad that it took losing 46 pounds before I could really tell a difference. But I'm making progress. I'm still moving toward my goal. 258 is a lot better than 304. And now that I'm here, I really don't want to go back.
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