20 December 2012

Numbers Are Confusing


Seriously, WHOA. I was pretty sure I had lost weight this week (especially after getting off the steroids and moving more for a change) but I was stunned to find I lost 7.2 pounds. Seven point two! That's, like, almost a bowling ball. It's over half of my dog's weight. That's the size of a baby! 

37 pounds of cat!
That brings me down to 266.3 pounds for a grand total of 37.7 pounds lost. I am so happy to be in the 260s! I really don't remember being in the 260s. I shot from 235 up to 275 so quickly after my heart surgery that I have no recollection of this weight on my way up. Now I can't wait to get to my next mini goal of 250 (so I can buy a proper scale and possibly go ziplining when I head to Mexico in February).

Speaking of goals, I still haven't decided what I want my final goal weight to be. I don't know if I'm really ready to decide right now. I'm 5' 6 3/4"...I like to think of myself at 5'7" but I'm not sure if I technically count as 5'7" on the healthy weight scale. Wow, it's weird to think of ever being at a 'healthy weight'. I've never been at a healthy weight for my age, even in elementary school. I mean, my license still says I weigh 160 pounds, which was a lie even then (I put 160 on my learner's permit when I was 15, and mercifully no one has made me change it in the last 15 years and multiple lost or renewed licenses--when I was 15, I was 180 and desperately hoped to get down to 160, which clearly did not happen). I'm still a loooooong way off from a healthy weight, but I feel like I'm making so much progress that it might actually happen some day. For a long time, I thought the only way I would ever be a normal size would be through a) weight loss surgery b) a crazy new diet pill or c) magic. Now it seems within reach. Long reach, but still.

According to WeightWatchers.com, a healthy weight at 5'6" is 124-155 pounds, and at 5'7" it's 128-160. So I'm still more than 100 pounds away from being 'healthy', but I'm 37.7 pounds closer! That's something to be happy about. I can't even imagine what my body would look like and feel like within those ranges. 124 seems really tiny--I don't see myself being happy and maintaining a weight that low. But something like 145 would be crazy awesome. I would like to be under 150, but not by much.

 I guess I'll reassess when I get a little closer. For now, baby steps. 250 first, which will be around 20% of my body weight and will earn me another 25 pound token, then probably 225, and then 200. I don't see any harm in sticking with smaller goals right now, because the thought of having more than 100 left to lose is pretty overwhelming. I'm only 16.3 pounds away from my next goal of 250, and after today's weigh in, that seems very do-able!

(FYI: I do NOT hope to lose 7 pounds any other week--I know that's too much. I'd be a little freaked out if I didn't know how much those steroids for my bronchitis messed with me, and if I hadn't gone through that hellish Simply Filling week. Next week, I'm aiming for 1-2 pounds as usual.)

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