05 October 2013

My Pilonidal Cyst Story

Gather round, children, and prepare to be amazed and revolted by this captivating tale of...a cyst. A really big cyst. A really big, gross, humiliating, excruciating, recurring cyst.

When I had heart surgery in August, I expected to be in a lot more pain than I was. However, after approximately a decade of dealing with one of the most painful and embarrassing medical problems imaginable, the surgery pain seemed to pale in comparison. No matter how much my incision hurt, or how much my cut muscles ached, I could remind myself that the pain of my cyst during a flare-up was so significantly worse that my surgery didn't seem so bad after all.

My pilonidal cyst is something I try to keep a secret from as many people as possible. It's just so awful. I already bared all, though, while oversharing about my topical yeast infections, so I might as well throw this out there. I'm having a flare-up right now, so it's all I can think about.

There is not much information available about  my kind of pilonidal cyst because everyone's cyst experience is different. I suspect that people with issues similar to mine just don't talk about it. So I'm going to talk about it. Prepare to be grossed out. I was going to post a picture of mine but it's still too embarrassing--just try a Google image search instead, and look for the most disturbing and painful unpopped pilonidal abscess possible.

At the beginning of my college summer vacation when I was 21, I started feeling like I had bruised my tailbone. I was drinking all the time while also taking Paxil for my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (following a massive fire I was in and in which I lost all my belongings). I was blacking out multiple times every week, so I assumed it was entirely possible that I had fallen down drunk. My tailbone kept getting worse and worse, though, and after a week or so I could barely sit down. That's when I felt the lump rising. It was at the top of my butt crack, slightly to the right, and I could feel a squishy bump about the size of a walnut half under the skin. It was incredibly tender and hot to the touch. I tried looking it up online but didn't know how to describe it, so I didn't get any useful results.

After a week or so of increasing pain, it came to a head one night while I stayed up shaking and sweating. I think I was probably going into a state of shock or something. No amount of alcohol could dull the pain, and there was no position in which I was even remotely comfortable. I couldn't sit, I couldn't lie down, I couldn't even stand. I remember crawling to the bathroom that night because I couldn't get up, and I passed out from the pain. I woke up on the floor in a pool of sweat with the cyst bigger and redder and hotter than ever. The school clinic was closed for the summer and I didn't want to pay to go to the hospital, so I didn't know what to do. I was so scared. As it grew, I wondered if it was cancer. Or some kind of boil? Or like a chip from my tailbone broke off, lodged itself in my muscles, and caused an infection?

After I woke up on the bathroom floor, I tried exploring it more. It hurt too much to poke at it, but it really felt like it was a small balloon filling up with something, and that if I could just break through the skin it would come out. I gathered the equipment I could think of: a razor blade and a thumb tack (I couldn't find a needle). First I tried the razor blade. It was hard to see but I just numbed it with ice and tried slashing across the top with the razor. I hoped the infection was close enough to the surface that it would burst and I would be fine. Unfortunately, the infection was deeper than I thought and the razor only succeeded in hurting me. I tried the thumb tack next, but the pain was too bad for me to apply much pressure. I could get the point in, but it didn't go far enough in to help.

I stayed up all night, trembling and fighting to stay conscious. The next morning after fainting in the bathroom happened to be my first day as a summer intern at the library. I made it to the library with my roommate/best friend (the one I've mentioned who died so tragically and ripped my world apart) but I was literally standing up while driving there--I couldn't put my butt on the seat of my truck, so I held myself up with the steering wheel and drove as carefully as I could. Seriously, though, driving while standing is not a good thing. We made it there but just barely.

When we got to the library I hobbled in, still unable to walk or sit and wearing a skirt because pants would touch the cyst. We began the first day tour, during which I was still shaking and sweating and thinking of nothing but the mind-numbingly intense, throbbing, unrelenting pain. About fifteen minutes into the orientation, the pain just suddenly stopped. I could take a deep breath finally. I stopped shaking. My head cleared. I felt blissful relief.

Then I started smelling this terrible smell. It was like a container of week-old turkey salad (the kind with dark turkey chunks and mayonnaise) that was just pulled open. Just a strong, meaty, gross smell. I couldn't figure out what the stink was, but I was so relieved by the  overwhelming absence of pain that I didn't really care.

My best friend then grabbed my arm and he whispered for me to go to the bathroom. Thinking maybe I had food in my teeth or had started my period, I excused myself and went to the restroom. As soon as I got in the stall, I pulled down my jean skirt and felt hot liquid on my legs. I touched my butt with my fingertips and was horrified to feel them slipping in thick slime. I lunged out of the stall with my skirt down and locked the deadbolt on the main door (the bathroom was empty besides me). The smell was even worse with my skirt down, and I began frantically wiping myself with paper towels. There was pus and blood everywhere. It looked like someone had been murdered. Or like I sat on a blender full of animals and turned on the blades. Just totally disgusting. And it wouldn't stop coming. As I gingerly pushed around the lump, more and more pus and blood oozed out. It was this foul brown gurgling stuff, and no amount of paper towels was going to work.

I cleaned myself up as much as I could and fled the library, praying that no one would see me. I made it back to the apartment where I could see everything better in a mirror, and just kept pushing to get more and more nasty brown goo out of me. The sticky red blood mingled with the hot white pus to make a thick marbled brown substance, and the week of festering had made it smell like rot and death.

I was not in any significant pain from the moment it had burst in the library, so I could easily press my fingers around the edge to make the liquid pulse out. It took hours it seemed before I had coaxed all of the infection out, and the skin felt loose over the now-empty cavity. I did end up going back to work the next day and told everyone I had just thrown up, but I suspect they knew something was more awful had happened. I told my best friend that it was an injury from my tailbone and he was kind enough to pretend to believe me.

I dove into researching it more and finally found the most likely culprit: a pilonidal cyst. That means 'nest of hair' (I KNOW! So gross!) and I have read many comments claiming that the pain of a pilonidal cyst flare-up is worse than the pain of natural, undrugged childbirth. I believe it. The pain is intolerable, and the shame is unbearable. There's lots of great information out there about what it is (one of my favorites is the Pilonidal Support Alliance), but no one is really truly certain what causes it or how to fix it.

There are certain factors that are common amongst sufferers: they are mostly male, mostly overweight, and mostly very hairy. Poor hygiene, sitting too long, and not shaving can also affect your chances of having a flare-up. So, yeah, not exactly something I want to share: hey, everyone, I have a totally gross cyst that comes from being fat, lazy, dirty, hairy, and not a lady. So yes, this is another one of those gross fat girl things. Not all fat girls get them, but I don't think I would have it if I wasn't fat. I think my ass fat makes my butt crack deeper, which causes more hair and stuff to get caught in there, and apparently led to my current situation.

Now, some people have pilonidal sinuses, which cause them to weep out pus and blood, but they don't get the abscesses or cysts because the infection isn't trapped. Some of those people have to wear diapers because so much nasty stuff leaks out of their butt crack. I am here to tell you that I would MUCH rather have that than have my cyst. Instead of having a sinus, or a tiny hole that allows it to drain, I instead just collect the infected fluids in a cavity between my ass cheeks. This cavity gets bigger every time I have a cyst because the infection tunnels into my tissue, and because I don't have a sinus to drain it, I have to wait until the skin is stretched so incredibly tight because of the sheer quantity of pus and blood that the skin bursts open and sprays infection all over the place.

After that first eruption (my best friend and I called it my 'anal volcano'), I ended up getting a flare-up around once a year. It was usually a week of total torture--unable to move, unable to even wear jeans because of the pain, unable to go to work or drive or sleep. I kept it a secret from everyone I could. Sometimes it ruptures in the most awful places, like a gas station bathroom or on vacation. It's terribly inconvenient and ridiculously painful, but the surgery to correct it is also really painful, really awful (they sometimes sew a 'marsupial pouch' which sounds so so so gag-me-gross), and totally not guaranteed to work. Some people have had the surgery over and over and the cysts just keep coming back.

I have had probably 10-12 cysts since then, and I have taken care of most of them myself. I've spent a decade honing my care. I learned that antibiotics won't help, and nothing really kills the pain except getting it to pop. Sometimes if I take enough hot baths with Epsom salt the cyst will weaken and burst. Sometimes if I alternate a really hot heating pad with an ice pack, the abrupt change in temperature will cause it to rupture. Sometimes I make a compress of crushed garlic that is said to thin the skin and help the infection. The bad part is that, even with these remedies, it still won't burst until it's ready. I have to honestly feel like I'm dying for around 48 hours (that's after a week of intense but not near-fatal pain) before anything can make it explode. And sometimes they just never do burst--luckily, I have only been forced to seek medical attention for two of them.

Once the emergency care clinic doctors sliced me open with a scalpel but didn't go deep enough--some blood oozed out, but the cyst did not burst. I was in more pain from the scalpel cut, but after another day or so of the infection brewing, the cyst was stretched so tight that the weakened skin from the incision split open and it burst. Whew. The most recent time was also the most horrible. This cyst had been going on for almost two weeks, and it was huge and purple. I had gotten desperate and had tried cutting it with razors, scissors, needles, tacks, and even a syringe. Nothing helped. It was around the size of an egg, and I couldn't do ANYTHING. No walking, so sitting, no lying down. I had to miss work for a couple days and I was out of options. So I went to the emergency care and the doctor there was clearly horrified and disgusted. He could barely speak, but told me that it was beyond what he could care for, and told me to go straight to the hospital ER. He even called ahead to help me get in. When I got there (I rode in the back seat, laying down on my stomach and crying...there was no way I could sit) they gave me a pain killer but it definitely did not help. The ER nurse made me lie down and she just cut it right open. I felt the liquid gush between my legs and all over my back, but she didn't stop. Instead of allowing me that moment of relief, she told me that she had to scrape out the pockets of infection or it would just come right back. She stuck something in the gaping hole and I couldn't stop screaming. She scraped and the way the small pockets burst, it made me imagine them as the pulp inside an orange--those fat little envelopes full and ready to pop. But she just kept going. And going. I like to think I have a pretty high tolerance for pain after dealing with this for so many years, but she pushed me to new limits. I didn't think it would ever stop.

Finally, she finished scraping and started cleaning me out. That was horrible but not quite as soul-shatteringly painful. Then she packed the hole full of gauze and told me to have it removed in two weeks. When I got home, I couldn't even look at it. The single time I glanced at it in the mirror, I saw the bruised and angry purple flesh bulging around a curly gauze tail that was pink with blood. I felt more like a pig than ever. When I went to the doctor to take it out, I had to hold onto the exam table while he pulled it out--it must have been three feet of bloody gauze, and the feeling of it being pulled out of my body made my skin crawl.

Since that last ER experience, I have tried desperately to avoid letting my cyst get that bad. If I get any skin that feels like a scab I can potentially peel off, I do, because I feel like it makes the rest of the skin thinner and therefore easier to burst. I clean there regularly, I avoid sitting for long periods on my tailbone, I never wear thongs, and any time I start to feel tender around my tailbone I immediately start spraying Bactine and applying hot and cold presses.

Around a year ago, I had called into work and while explaining to my boss why I couldn't come in, I lost control and started sobbing hysterically into the phone. The pain and embarrassment were just too much together. I'm glad it happened, though, because she was able to introduce me to something that one of her former colleagues had used for the same issue: ichthammol ointment. It smells like tar and stains everything and makes an enormous mess, but it helps thin the skin and, instead of bursting, the cyst just kind of starts leaking out after a couple days. I've only used this treatment twice, but each time it worked like a charm. Since it didn't burst, I don't think all of the infection got out either time, but it got rid of my pain so I can't complain. I can't believe more people don't know about this. I wish I had found out about it years ago--it would have saved me some serious pain. I mean, pain so bad that I can't help but think about killing myself. Hopefully someone searching for a way to help their pilonidal cyst will stumble across this page and try the ichthammol ointment. It's been a true miracle for me, and I haven't even had a cyst flare-up for almost a year. The ichthammol is super cheap and I just smear it on and then cover it with a small cut up square of washcloth held in place with medical tape.

But...now it's back. And now the ointment isn't working. And now I'm terrified. Since my recent heart surgery, all of my doctors have stressed over and over how important it is to keep myself from getting any kinds of infection. Anything, even something as small as a cut in my gums, can potentially lead to bacteria getting into my bloodstream and forming on my brand new heart valve. So I'm really really scared. It's 5am but the pain is so bad I can't sleep. I'm sitting on a heating pad with ichthammol ointment smeared on my butt, but it's not helping. I had to leave work early for the past two days. I almost passed out when I drove over a pot hole on the way home. I went to an art gallery opening tonight but we had to leave because I was so afraid someone would brush against my butt and I'd faint or scream. I keep accidentally bursting into tears, and it hurts to do anything. Since the abscess is basically between my butt cheeks, every time I move my butt cheeks squeeze around it and it feels like torture.

I had hoped that losing weight would also let me lose this cyst. Since it's what I consider a fat girl problem, I thought maybe, just maybe, it would disappear. Enough hard work and I wouldn't have to deal with it again.

So I'm doubly sad that I'm still facing this awful thing. And I'm so scared. I don't want the infection to reach my heart. I'm hoping it will burst on its own. Otherwise...I might be back in the hospital tomorrow. I'm not one for prayers, but I'll be praying for a miracle right now.

Update: It burst! Woohoo! Ichthammol success again!


  1. I feel your pain. I have been in absolute pain all morning & ichthammol isn't working.

    1. Oh man, sorry to hear that! It's just so excruciating...and until it bursts, there's no relief. Hopefully the ichthammol finally weakened the skin enough for it to burst. Hot washcloths can help dull the pain, and I had some luck with applying a paste of fresh garlic (although I smelled terrible for days). Good luck!

  2. I have the same problem for around 4 years now and i really really feel your pain! I am going to try this icthammol treatment hopefully it will help me as it did with you. I have already had a surgery and then a plastic surgery to cover it up but it came back and i am too scared to get another surgery done to go through the torture without a guarantee of it not recurring. Thank you for the information though I am going to try this ointment.

  3. Also, please can you tell me the brand of ichthammol ointment you used?

    1. Yikes--I just can't handle the thought of going through surgery only to continue having these horrible things! So sorry you're going through this :(

      The ointment I used was CVS brand, but anything with ichthammol as a main ingredient should work. Here's mine: http://www.cvs.com/shop/product-detail/CVS-Drawing-Salve-Ichthammol-Ointment?skuId=705149

      Best of luck, and let me know how it goes!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've been up for hours in serious pain,as I was reading your story some of it made me crack up.Which id love to thank you for:-) .well while I was laughing hysterically allow of a sudden the pain went away.I hauled ass into the bathroom and pulled my pants down and the smell ,literally made me gag every few seconds.As you described it looked like a murder had accured.I taped a pad to my butt after squezing it for a litle while,but it keps coming out like a slow Faucett running.I've had 4 children,3 c sections,a dislocated shoulder,and I would take the pain of my c sections and shoulder ANY day over this thing on my butt.This is the second time this cyst has grown on me the last time was over 9 months ago.IN went Kara (me) to the ER this time and the physicians'asst. LOOKED STUCK ON STUPID at me after he saw it,I asked him "so what do u think we should do about this thing?" He tells me he is gonna give me antibiotics and motrin.I looked at him and said what the hell is that gonna do for my pain now!!He told me to soak in hot water'for the pain.I was so mad I told himobviously you have NO idea what kinda pain I'm in right now otherwise you wouldn't just tell me to soak in a tub!He said mam I think you might be over reacting a little.Lmao!!!I told him I hope he gets just one on his ass one day soon so he can see what I'm over reacting about and I left.Well now two days later and finally relief!!Its a little piece of heaven:-) .next time it starts up should I start the hot soaks then?Or will it get bad regaurdless of what I do?Your story made me laugh a lot because I can relate.Thanks for the good laugh I really needed it.Its ben a rough week.

    1. How long did it take for yours to burst? Did it hurt when it popped? Also did yours come back at all? sorry for all the questions this is my first one and I just don't know what to do or expect!

  6. Thanks for taking the time to type this. Right now waiting on the bugger to burst. Not much pain, but a little fever.

    My experience was that when I went in to the ER, the put me directly into surgery. I was marsupial ized. Recovery was fine, my spouse was taught to pack the wound. You could make a deck of playing cards disappear in my wound. It hurt but was not terrible. The worst part was pulling out old cause that my body had melded with. Irrigation is key, and just do it fast. You won't die.

    Took weeks to fill in. Could not have done packing the wound w/o my wife. You can't see and you are no position to move. After 6 weeks I was left with a scar that is concave and 3 inches long and referred to as my second but crack.

    My innie butt crack is today an out tie as I read about Incidents to figure if I was doctor worthy.

    What ABX did they write for you?

  7. I suffered with this from the age of 20 to 25, until I was admitted to Hospital and received an operation to remove the sinus and surrounding area, followed up with daily dressing of the effect area for 3 to 4 months afterwards. Touch wood I have been clear of any significant flare up since, over 7 years! The surgery did leave me with a indentation which I could pop a pound coin into it however I'd much rather that then the pain, inconvenice and embarrassment I so vividly remember. I also found the the surgery and recovery relatively pain free, I wouldn't be afraid of the surgery or seeking proper medical advice.

    If I could offer you any advise, it would be to take a surgical approach x

  8. I also am going through with my 2nd cyst under my right armpit. i think its sebaceous. Its already been a painful week. I feel burning sensation on my arm and sometimes get a numbness on my hand. So far I tried home remedies but its taking too long for it to burst. I tried this one I saw on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_TTOIoqCc

    I'm glad I read your story. Hopefully the Ichthammol works for me.

  9. I am going through my first one and you are right it is awful! I've took and Epsom salt bath and starting using a heating pad which helped a a little. I went to the doctor and he gave me antibiotics. Im scared because, I don't want it bursting while im in school! how embarrassing in front of all my classmates! I've heard if you pop it on your own the pain can get even worse?? My Doctor didn't want to drain it right away why? I don't know. Also I've heard that some people who get the surgery still have them come back! so please help what should I do? any advice is taken!

  10. Can't even begin to tell you how much better this post made me feel, thank you

  11. I've had mine since August 2014 and it's been leaking for the past 6 months. Went to have it quarterized today at the monthly doctor visit, I have a doctor who specializes in it... my weird luck haha, and he said all was normal and agreed on a follow up. Went to go see american sniper and the cyst was numb but around it was warm. I came home to get ready for bed and I was starting to watch trailer park boys when I noticed liquid on my leg so I ran to the mirror and saw my cyst opened and had to gauze it. The doctors told me my cyst is deep rooted and I need reconstructive surgery after its done. Hopefully with my luck its fine after this episode and it remains dorment. As I type I feel it oozing. This sucks.

    1. Oh man, sorry to hear that! Sometimes I feel like I'd rather have it leaking all the time rather than building up like my anal volcano...but then I hear stories like yours and I don't know what's worse! Getting cauterized and still oozing? No thanks!

      Good luck though... I hope you're not in pain at least. Keep me posted!

  12. I know your pain. I'm literally laying here with my pants down because I can't have them up. Its 3:46am &&' I've been taking out this nasty stuff for an hour already. It smells so bad &&' I've been pressing and pressing and I just see more coming out. Seriously nasty

    1. Its exactly 3:46 am and I am lying on my side with my legs up because this is one of the only positions I've been able to lie in without pain. I've had this abscess for exactly seven days, during the day my husband noticed a little head but otherwise it still looks the same. The doctor wasn't sure what to recommend so I started with the antibiotics and pain killers she prescribed, none worked of course however the hot compress really eased the stiffness. Thankfully she gave me three weeks sick leave but I'm worried it won't be over in time. I'm going to try the Epson salt and ointment to see what happens. I definitely don't want to do surgery.

  13. I'm lucky that mine doesn't cause too much pain but it still is embarrassing to have to clean up when blood sprays everywhere. Also, I now never wear light-colored pants because if my cyst bursts it could stain those pants. But now whenever I wear dress shirts it can stain those which is quite embarrassing.

    *Sigh* when I went to see a doctor about it they said I should wait until I'm age 30 to see if I could have an operation to fix it because then the skin in that area would be less likely to develop a recurrence. Not sure about the logic of that one but then again I'm not the doctor.

  14. my family also suffers from these. we have a remedy that seems to help. Mix equal parts of iodine, rubbing alcohol, and peroxide and apply it to the cyst. It seems to do wonders. I have one that just drained and I'm wondering if I should just let it heal or if l should go to the doctor for antiiotics

  15. Have you ever thought of having a cleft lift to fix the issue. It's the only successful surgery that I've heard of. All others tend to come back. I am suffering from a cyst right now, wishing it to burst soon... I've had these for the past 10 years now. I would have the surgery done but my insurance hasn't kicked in for my new job yet so I will have to wait another month but I do plan on going through with it because I can no longer live with these

  16. You brave people, keep fighting, it is a nasty thing to have, but keep in mind that it could be a thousand times worse than that. My cyst just popped by itself and I'm finally relieved, after two days in agony. It was my first one, and I was terrified since no one even heard about such cases. After searching the net for a while, and reading posts like this, I wasn't as afraid as before, so when it finally popped, I smiled like an idiot. Thanks for writing this on your blog though. It was one of the first things I read regarding pilonidal cysts and it helped me calm down at least. Thanks again dear and I wish you all the best in this world.

  17. If you can get the surgery do it. It is worth every penny. Suffered with one for 14 years. Got new procedure called cleft lift. I had 2 to 3 days of pretty intense discomfort. Nothing like the discomfort of the cyst itself. It has been 3 years. I'm glad I did the surgery. I can live my life without having that Damn cyst pop out at the most inopportune time.

  18. Minus the heart surgery, everything in the blog is what i experienced. I have had 5 surgeries under my right arm, 2 under my left, sweat glands under my arms removed, lymph nodes and breast tissue removed. I have had 2 surgeries on my genital area to remove and scrape the pockets, every boil on my buttocks had and has(every 3 months or so when i get them) to be lanced and its god awful. As we speak i have one of the biggest abscess at the bottom of my buttocks, its hard to sit, stand, sleep, its hard to just live when dealing with these. This morning i went to cvs and purchased some ichthammol ointment, hopefully itll help. Wish me luck!!!!

  19. I had this problem 8 years ago and did the surgery. Took me 1 month laying down and 1 more month to fully recover. However compared to all the trouble I had before it was definitely worth it. In my case I didn't feel much pain, since I was able to pop it pretty much every other month by myself. I've never had the problem of it popping without my intervention in public for example.

    Since last week I've found a lump exactly where I used to pop it in the past. Since I feel no pain to sit I hope is an aggravated allergy or something like that. However, Monday I'm going to the doctor and if it is the cyst I believe I'll have the surgery again as soon as possible. Even if it works only for 8 years, it is definitely worth it. And I'm saying this knowing that my case was way less aggressive than yours.

  20. I dont get it is that evolution is telling to be skinny with flat butt r living happy or just a guess what is really wrong with having a beautiful cleavage there? How much overweight u r i am telling fatty butt r quite common and as much as i do exercise the inch size difference between my butt and wrist changes butt no! I really didnt have any idea about what is going on there was a pain suddenly popped up and Then i used warm towel on the place next morning lots of blood and i thought i am healed at the evening there was sth bumped up there i went to ER with fevr around 40c they did drain it and i am going to change the bandage this blasting whatever was not hlpful i am thinking it even makes the situation worse i didnt have fever unless it blew up then fever started and sth balloony appeared i am strongly suggessting that do not manipulate it and keep area clean i thought of situation sth easy to handle but after reading this i am shaking in my shoes what fate is in front how much it takes to be healed i have no idea

  21. Thank you for the advice on ichthammol. I had the surgury and it came back within 3 months. Now that i have gained an extra 10 pounds, the cyst comes back frequently.

  22. thank you for the advice on ichthammol. Mine came back within 3 months of surgery. after gaining another 10 pounds it comes back frequently. When the skin gets thin i rip it open and let it drain. Thankfully mine don't drain a lot, though it feels like it would.

  23. Cut out all yeast now. Stop eating bread, cut down on sugar and alcohol. Get tested for candida overgrowth at your local GP. Good Luck.

  24. There is a very easy and simple way to never have this problem again. There is a surgery to permanently seal up the piloneidal cavity, and I can honestly tell you that it changed my life. No one should feel embarrassed or ashamed of this condition. I was in my early 20's, a good athlete, and not overweight. My father later told me that he had the same condition and that it can be hereditary. Just make sure you find a doctor who is well recommended for this particular surgery and you will never look back. I'm 54 years old, have 3 grown sons and couldn't be happier or healthier. (Knock on wood). Please please please get the surgery and you will be so happy!!!

  25. I'm suffering through my 2nd pilonidal 5 months. I can relate to your story. I thought I had a pretty high threshold for pain, but I nearly blacked out when I took a poop after two and half days. I want to see it's been worse the second time around. I have the sinuses, but I still swell at the top of my inner butt crack. I've been outta work the the last three days. It's saturday, and I haven't been outside my house for more than five minutes. Can barely stand up straight and sleeping on my stomach which is hurting my back, neck, knees, and hips. The baths are a moment of relief. Afterwards I use an icepack for nearly an hour. I think that helped a lot this. Have you picked up any warning signs that helps would stopping it before you're literally paralyzed with pain? This time just came outta nowhere. Luckily, I had a good supply of fruit and vegetables so I could eat light but healthy throughout the week.
    I was going to try Ichthammol today, but I took tylenol which I never do, and I dealt with the pain today. It just started leaking after I took off the ice pack. I went into the bathroom to dry off and I noticed little driplets of pus starting to come out. I know it'll still be tender, but I didn't think I could make the drive to and back from the pharmacy. As a healthy, and pretty fit guy who turned 30 about a 1-2 months before the first time this happened, I am not looking forward to have pilonidals become a chronic issue.

  26. Yep my butt hurts too. I've been dealing with this nasty little guy for about eight years now and just trying to deal. Surgery is pretty much out of the question unless it becomes life threatening. I have found that extended warm baths, heating pads, warm washcloths and perserverence are the key to getting them to burst and drain. I recently discovered forums where people are ingesting turmeric and making a turmeric paste and that seems to help some people. Off to the store to buy some after I get out of the Epsom salt tub. Will keep you guys posted. Stay strong!!

  27. I just found this and have to laugh at it, because otherwise I'll cry, lol. My mom passed this horrible gene onto me, her mom had to pop hers as a teenager, but it never came back. My worst flare up was about 6 yrs ago, I could hardly move, stand or sit also. No medical attention has ever been needed luckily, but mine flares nearly every month around Aunt Flow, I assume it's from the extra hormones. And like clockwork, once I pop it, it goes away until the next month. Thanks for sharing your story. :-)

  28. I just found this and have to laugh at it, because otherwise I'll cry, lol. My mom passed this horrible gene onto me, her mom had to pop hers as a teenager, but it never came back. My worst flare up was about 6 yrs ago, I could hardly move, stand or sit also. No medical attention has ever been needed luckily, but mine flares nearly every month around Aunt Flow, I assume it's from the extra hormones. And like clockwork, once I pop it, it goes away until the next month. Thanks for sharing your story. :-)

  29. OMg I had one about 15 years ago, about 2 inches wide on my ass and it wouldn't burst, so had no choice and had to go to Doctors where they lanced it, packed it and had to go in every day to get it packed-hurt like hell.
    Then 10 days ago was on Celebrex for inflammation on my leg, and within 3 days on it all old cysts popped up again and this one too, within three days on meds it got to the size of about 1 1/2 inches wide,still there. Stopped the meds..Now, I have been hot water on washcloth, peeled the scab around it and am waiting for it to burst..better do it soon..getting sick of this thing-do not want to slice it again-that hurt like hell.

  30. My Dr. did surgery right away as I could not even feel it....... but my dr.did and gave me antibiotic's and then 3 weeks later he did surgery and removed it he cut like 6in hight and DEEP HOLE i am healing from the inside out ....but surg was done Aug 24 2015 and I had home helath nurse come out to change gauze etc. well now i have a small hole BUT IS IS NOT CLOSING NOW I HAVE A TUNNEL SO Nurse still comes out once a day and i go to dr. every other week.he cauterized it and still not closing the right way..so on march 1st he wants to do a biopsy .................... pain is only when i sit on couch and lay back but i never saw a boil. or anything it was all i nside......

  31. My Dr. did surgery right away as I could not even feel it....... but my dr.did and gave me antibiotic's and then 3 weeks later he did surgery and removed it he cut like 6in hight and DEEP HOLE i am healing from the inside out ....but surg was done Aug 24 2015 and I had home helath nurse come out to change gauze etc. well now i have a small hole BUT IS IS NOT CLOSING NOW I HAVE A TUNNEL SO Nurse still comes out once a day and i go to dr. every other week.he cauterized it and still not closing the right way..so on march 1st he wants to do a biopsy .................... pain is only when i sit on couch and lay back but i never saw a boil. or anything it was all i nside......

  32. I am not sure if you are still suffering with the pilonitatal cyst or if this blog is a joke, but I would like to offer you some advice on your condition. I am 70 years old now, but as a teen in 1964 I developed one. My parents took me to a doctor and he lanced it. My bum was sore for a week or so. I carried a pillow to class. Anyway, a year or so later the cyst infection returned. Back to the doctor thinking he would lance it again. Not this time. He recommended surgery to remove the cyst. I had the surgery and it really was no big deal. The pain was gone after a week or so that I r remember, and it never returned. Now I know that things were very different, after all it was over 50 years ago. But honestly, I would recommend the removal to you.

    1. Not a joke, and I still have them, but thankfully the ichthammol has worked for all my flare-ups recently.

      I appreciate your note. I know surgery is always there as an option but it scares me, and I was so traumatized by my cyst-induced ER trip and subsequent gauze packing that I can't imagine letting a doctor poke around in there again.

      But I'll take your words to heart, and if the ichthammol fails me, I'll absolutely ask about my surgical options.

  33. I am not sure if you are still suffering with the pilonitatal cyst or if this blog is a joke, but I would like to offer you some advice on your condition. I am 70 years old now, but as a teen in 1964 I developed one. My parents took me to a doctor and he lanced it. My bum was sore for a week or so. I carried a pillow to class. Anyway, a year or so later the cyst infection returned. Back to the doctor thinking he would lance it again. Not this time. He recommended surgery to remove the cyst. I had the surgery and it really was no big deal. The pain was gone after a week or so that I r remember, and it never returned. Now I know that things were very different, after all it was over 50 years ago. But honestly, I would recommend the removal to you.

  34. I know how you feel. I've been suffering from Pilonidal cysts since my early 20's (I'm 35 now). The worst part is, is now I have a cyst on my scrotum which feels MUCH worse than it being on my tailbone. It really sucks and I hope you're doing much better now.

    1. Ha oh man, okay, you win. Scrotum cyst sounds horrible. Hopefully it clears up quickly and painlessly!

  35. Does the iodine,rubbing alcohol, and peroxide take along time to make it bust my husband has one on his butt and he's in awful pain took him to the immediate care yesterday and she tried to lance it but it was to hard and only blood came out and when she squeezed out the blood this nasty smelly stuff came out between his cheeks at his tail bone and it only let's a dot out when u squeeze it now the doctor we seen told us we had to take him to the hospital for antibiotics and for them to lance it cause she couldn't help us

    1. I haven't tried the iodine/alcohol/peroxide mix myself, but the iodine seems to work within a day. Since he already has a hole from the lance, hopefully it'll drain easier! Fingers crossed for you guys.
