05 December 2012

Keyring, Token, 360...Oh My!

Many small successes today :)

Although I was scheduled to be in a two hour meeting during my Weight Watchers weigh-in, I managed to sneak out and run the half block to weigh in. Yeah, I RAN. I have not run more than two steps at a time for several years. Between my malfunctioning heart, my asthma, my COPD, and my weight, I haven't even tried to move quickly. And to top it all off, I'm still recovering from bronchitis!

Granted, what I call running, anyone watching would probably call "flailing and wildly lumbering". Well, they can suck it. I ran, dammit!

I burst into the meeting about half an hour into it, and I'm very grateful that the 360 plan started today because our meetings rarely last a full half hour. I stripped off my oh-so-heavy glasses, work lanyard, and earrings, and climbed on the scale.

Down 3.8 pounds!

I honestly don't know how that's possible. But it's true! That brought my grand total loss to 30.6 pounds.

Which means...I also reached my 10% goal today!


When I mentioned earlier that I had earned my 25 pound token, I should have elaborated that I earned it but my leader didn't have 25 pound tokens on hand last week. She had offered to give me a 75 pound token and then trade me back, but since I didn't have a keyring yet, I declined and told her I'd just grab it this week. I'm so pumped that I got both at the same time, so now no one else has to know that I earned the 25 pound token before I hit 10%. Whew. Yes, I realize that other people can probably guess that I'm still over 250 pounds, but I'd rather pretend they don't know. Now I can show off the keyring and token proudly. Very happy.

Because I had to run (well, okay, this was more like power walking) back to the other meeting, I didn't get a chance to ask or learn anything about the 360 plan. But I did get the packet and I'm excited to go through everything in detail. I love having new stuff to read :)

Now I'm officially down to 273.4 pounds, and I had to set a new goal since I hit my 10%. I decided on 250 for now--baby steps. I don't want to get too discouraged, and I figured that 250 is a good goal...plus, when I get there, I can finally buy a new scale without worrying how high it registers.

After all the excitement of getting my shiny new keyring and token, I felt pretty prepared to start the Simply Filling plan today. So far I have eaten only Power Foods today (I changed supper to a baked potato and corn with spray butter, along with a light English muffin topped with garlic powder, spray butter, and fat free cheddar--which, I admit, was actually pretty freakin delicious, even though I abhor fat free cheese). I'm about to go grab a SmartOnes chocolate chip sundae, which will still leave me with 45 points for the week.

Not a bad start for my Weight Watchers Simply Filling week!

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