09 December 2012

Entertaining Myself with Marcel the Shell

It's after midnight on a Saturday and I don't have enough Points to drink tonight, so how do a hip 30 year old and her equally hip girlfriend party it up? With crafts, of course!

My internet patterns are set back about a decade--I loved back when checking your friends' AIM away messages was the closest thing to Facebook stalking, and I look back on chatrooms with fondness and Twitter with horror--so it's no surprise that I haven't caught on to Pinterest. My girlfriend pins things incessantly, but I just don't understand all of  the pinning and boards. When I feel crafty, I make a craft. Myself. Having a billion tutorials in front of me would be overwhelming, and seeing the other crafters' perfect finished products would drive me nuts.

So please don't judge me if this doesn't look quite right. I didn't have the right kind of shell, but I really wanted to make a Marcel the Shell ornament.

I love him! :)

I think watching the Marcel the Shell video should be mandatory for everyone. He's just so adorable and optimistic. And Jenny Slate is hilarious! It makes me sad that she didn't last on Saturday Night Live--her little F-bomb cost SNL a really awesome cast member. Boo. But then she wouldn't have made Marcel, and the world definitely needs Marcel the Shell.

Anyway, I'm staving off my hunger with pineapple, popcorn, and another Smart Ones as we watch Christmas movies and craft. I'm down to 13 points left to get me through Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. That's a little rough. Now that the weekend's more than half over, I think I can make it...but I definitely do not plan to try the Simply Filling technique again anytime soon. Maybe  if  when I reach my ultimate goal and start maintenance, I'll be able to sustain myself with Simply Filling and it won't feel like such torture. That's a long way off, though. Until then, I'm going to appreciate having Points every day and extra Points through the week, because this experience has taught me that not having them sucks!

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