23 February 2013

So You Had A Bad Day

Feeling better today. Thursday was just a shit day overall (and it didn't help that I forgot to take my Xanax in the morning, and I didn't have any with me...I feel sorry for all of my employees because I know I had my Bitch Face on all day). By the time I got home, I was so run down and weepy that I just took a Vicodan and my Xanax and let my girlfriend bring me black bean roll-ups for supper while pretending nothing had happened.
On top of all the other issues, I was really missing Rob. Someone had posted a note on his Facebook memorial group page, and it sent a new wave a grief over me. I miss him every day, but some days are harder than others. It's been a year and a half since he died, and he's still the only person I yearn to talk to when I'm having issues I don't want to talk to my girlfriend about.

I also must be PMSing because I'm sniffing out chocolate around the house like Toucan Sam with Froot Loops. Plus, I've gained around 6 pounds since weigh-in Wednesday. I did eat a lot Wednesday for my birthday (and drink a lot...although I did count all of my Points) but there's no way I could have eaten enough to gain 6 pounds. I'm blaming pre-menstrual bloat. Otherwise, it's got to be a mystery goiter or something. Ugh.

I'm definitely back over 250 pounds right now, but I'm going to give it a few days before I weigh in again and panic. I just don't need that stress right now.

In other news, I was really good today and only ate a tiny slice of cake at my family birthday party :) I also planned ahead and saved enough Points.

But now I'm hungry again, craving chocolate, and bloated like a hot air balloon. Oh, the joys of womanhood.

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